Breakout Boards

Photon Battery Shield SparkFun [DEV-13626]

Description: The SparkFun Photon Battery Shield provides you with an easy way to power your Photon...

Tu precio: US$19,95

Photon ProtoShield SparkFun [DEV-13598]

Description: You can’t have any development board without some sort of prototyping area, the...

Tu precio: US$4,30

Photon IMU Shield SparkFun [DEV-13629]

Description: This is the SparkFun Photon IMU Shield, a versatile motion-sensing add-on board for...

Tu precio: US$28,95

uJPM IR Obstacle Sensor Breakout Board

AGOTADO!! Descripción: Este módulo sensor tiene un par de LED's transmisor y receptor infrarrojo,...

Tu precio: US$4,95

V5 Sensor Shield Expansion Board Shield For Arduino UNO R3

Descripción: El Arduino UNO Sensor Shield V5.0 permite la interconexión cómoda...

Tu precio: US$8,95

SparkFun FM Tuner Evaluation Board - Si4703 [WRL-12938]

Oferta especial
Descripción: Se trata de una placa de evaluación para el chip sintonizador de Silicon Laboratories...

Tu precio: US$22,95 US$19,95

FM Tuner Evaluation Board - Si4703 [Generic]

AGOTADO!! Description: This is an evaluation board for the Silicon Laboratories Si4703 FM tuner...

Tu precio: US$9,90

IRF520 MOSFET Driver Module

Description: This little module is a breakout board for the IFR520 MOSFET transistor. The module is...

Tu precio: US$5,95

TMP102 - Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout [Generic]

AGOTADO!! Description: The TMP102 is an easy-to-use digital temperature sensor from Texas...

Tu precio: US$6,95

SIM800 GSM GPRS V2.0 Module Expansion Board For Raspberry Pi

Descripción: Raspberry PI SIM800 GSM / GPRS Add-on V2.0 está personalizado para la interfaz...

Tu precio: US$46,95

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