Sensores & Transductores
Weatherproof TTL Serial JPEG Camera with NTSC Video and IR LEDs
Tu precio: US$74,95
uJPM Light Detection Breakout Board
Tu precio: US$4,95
RFID Tag (125kHz) [COM-14325]
Tu precio: US$3,60
WCMCU-333 INA333 Low Power Precision Instrumentation Amplifier
Tu precio: US$12,95
SW-420 Alarm Vibration Sensor Module
Tu precio: US$4,70
PS-3150 Nippon Aleph N.O. Proximity Magnetic Reed Switch
Tu precio: US$3,50
SparkFun RedBot Sensor - Mechanical Bumper [SEN-11999]
Tu precio: US$6,95
Hygrometer Soil Moisture Sensor
Tu precio: US$4,50
Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor For Arduino
Tu precio: US$7,95
Mega Sensor Shield V2.0 For Arduino MEGA 2560 R3 SainSmart
Tu precio: US$8,60