Sparkfun Sensors

SoftPot Membrane Potentiometer - 50mm [SEN-08680]

Description: These are very thin variable potentiometers. By pressing down on various parts of the...

Tu precio: US$9,25

Sensor Cable - Electrode Pads (3 connector)

AGOTADO!! Descripcion:  Este es su cable sensor simple de tres conductores con cables de...

Tu precio: US$9,50

TSL235R - Light to Frequency Converter [SEN-09768]

Description:  The TSL235R light-to-frequency converter outputs a square wave (50% duty cycle)...

Tu precio: US$5,10

Infrared Emitters and Detectors [SEN-00241]

Description: Side-looking Infrared Emitters and IR Detectors. These simple devices operate at 940nm...

Tu precio: US$9,95

Sharp GP2Y0A02YK0F Infrared Proximity Sensor Long Range [15cm - 150cm]

Descripcion: Sensor de proximidad por infrarrojos fabricado por Sharp. La pieza #GP2Y0A02YK0F tiene...

Tu precio: US$20,95

SparkFun RedBot Sensor - Mechanical Bumper [SEN-11999]

Description: These simple switches are the Mechanical Bumper sensor for the SparkFun RedBot, giving...

Tu precio: US$6,95

Geophone - SM-24 [SEN-11744]

Description: Need to put your finger on the pulse of the Earth? Did I just blow your mind? A...

Tu precio: US$89,95

Magnetic Card Reader [SEN-11096]

Oferta especial
Description: This is a simple three track magnetic card reader with serial output. This reader...

Tu precio: US$56,95 US$44,95

RFID Reader Breakout SparkFun [SEN-13030]

Description: This is a simple breakout board for our RFID readers. The SparkFun RFID Reader...

Tu precio: US$4,35

Simultaneous RFID Reader SparkFun - M6E Nano [SEN-14066]

AGOTADO!! Description: The SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Reader is an Arduino-compatible board to get...

Tu precio: US$224,95

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